Test Retirement Quiz Step 1 of 15 6% Which of the following best describes you?(Required) I’m currently retired I’m planning for retirement How far away are you from retirement?(Required) < 12 months... 1-2 years away... > 2 years+ away... I don’t know and need help figuring this out... What’s your current age?(Required) < 50 years 50-59 years 60-69 years 70-79 years > 80 years What’s your marital status?(Required) I’m married I’m single I’m divorced I’m a widow/widower Excluding Real Estate, what are your current Investment Portfolio assets?(Required) < $250,000 $251K - $500K $501K - $750K $751K - $1M $1M - $2.5M > $2.5M Which of the following best describes your situation?(Required) I’m currently working with a Financial Advisor right now I’m not happy with my current Advisor and am looking to make a change I don’t have an Advisor that I’m working with right now Is your Investment Portfolio currently setup to provide adequate income in retirement so that you don’t outlive your money?(Required) Yes I’m not sure… I don’t think it is… How well diversified is your Portfolio right now? (e.g Large Cap vs. Small Cap, Growth vs. Value, Equities vs. Fixed Income, Domestic vs. International, etc.)(Required) Very well diversified Not diversified enough I’m not sure… Do you have any individual holdings that make up 5% (or more) your retirement portfolio? (e.g. employer company stock, any one individual investment, etc.)(Required) Yes I do No I don’t I’m not sure… Is your Investment Portfolio structured to transition from the “Accumulation Phase" to the “Distribution Phase” of your retirement?(Required) Yes I don’t think it is… Is your Retirement Plan fully optimized from a TAX perspective? (e.g. Repurposing accounts in a more tax-advantaged way, taking income in the most tax-advantaged order, etc.)(Required) Yes it is fully tax-optimized I think there might be additional opportunities… Speaking of Taxes, does your portfolio take advantage of “Tax Loss Harvesting”?(Required) Yes it does.. No it doesn’t… I’m actually not sure… Now let's talk about FEES. According to a PBS Frontline Report, an ordinary American can pay as much as $109,407 in retirement FEES to their mutual fund providers over a lifetime. Which best describes you? (Required) I know what I’m paying in fees and I'm HAPPY with the fees I’m paying I know what I’m paying in fees and I'm UNHAPPY with the fees I’m paying I have no idea exactly how MUCH I’m paying in fees... What about "LITTLE-KNOWN" fees only revealed in Fund Prospectuses & Revenue Share Disclosures (including 12B-1 Fees, M&E Fees, and other compensation your investment advisor may be receiving)?(Required) I read every Prospectus/Disclosure cover to cover and know exactly what I’m paying... My advisor discloses to me ALL fees and compensation he/she is receiving... I’m actually NOT 100% SURE what “Little-Known” fees I might be paying right now… Last Question... If you had to pick one, which of the following represents your single biggest concern about your retirement right now:(Required) Running out of Money… Suffering Investment Losses... Not Having a Paycheck Any Longer… Where Should We Send Your Customized Report & Video Explanation on What this Means and How to Address this Gap?Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Phone