Welcome to Nashville!
Thank you for registering for the 2021 SalesTeamPro Music, Marketing, and Money conference in Nashville, TN October 14-17. We are looking forward to seeing everyone and having a great long weekend!
The event will begin Thursday night for the $100k earners’ dinner. Friday will be the actual start day for the STP conference with a general session beginning at 3pm and a complimentary buffet dinner to follow. Saturday, the conference will run from 9am – 12pm, being a general session group meeting and then break out meetings from 1-4pm. The meeting place for Saturday night is The Stage on Broadway. More schedule information and details will follow in another email for registrants only.
Hotel Registration
Reserve your hotel rooms by clicking here for our special pricing conference deal. You may change the room dates depending on your arrival and departure needs. Feel free to stay in Nashville for the Monday Tennessee Titans game!
Tennessee Titans Monday Night Game
If you’d like to attend the Titans game on Monday, seats are available here!

If for any reason you are unable to attend after booking, you do have 30 days prior to the event to cancel your registration by emailing [email protected]. We can process a refund at that time. However, no refunds will be granted after September 15, 2021. Hotel bookings, airline reservations and any other travel arrangements you’ve made will need to be handled with the specific carrier and hotel for processing of booking changes.