Your Financial Independence Number (FIN for short) helps you get your finances and retirement goals on track
Are you ready to get serious about your financial plan and achieve all of your financial goals? If so, it’s time to complete a financial needs analysis (FNA). A FNA is free and there’s never any pressure to buy anything. Enter your information on this page to get started. You’ll find out your Financial Independence Number (FIN) for a road map to help you learn where you need to be and how to get there.

What is an FNA and who completes it?
During an FNA appointment, a financial professional will analyze your current situation, your future financial needs and goals, and what you need to do to reach those goals. Because you’ll get a complete overview of your finances, an FNA also ensures that you are paired with appropriate financial products that you can afford. Those appropriate for you will aid in reaching your dreams and ambitions, such as having enough money for retirement or other family-related goals.
Why do you need an FNA?
- An FNA will give you an objective view of your financial position, which helps you get a clear overview of your finances
- An FNA identifies any shortfalls or overlaps in your financial products (i.e. if you have enough or too little life insurance)
- When you have completed your FNA, you can build a financial plan that is affordable and unique to you.
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